Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Preview to Session 2

On Thursday 15th March we have our 2nd session of the Hetton Leadership Development Group. This session is focussed on 'Leading Teaching and Learning'.

It is always good to whet participants appetite for a session so below are a few video teasers:

  1. Schools kill creativity
  2. Learning-centred leadership research
  3. Leading with lollipops 
Hope to see you on the 15th.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Session 1 - The National Agenda and 'Why are we here?'

The 1st session of our group took place today at Hetton School. The focus was "The National Agenda and 'why are we here?'"

We would like to thank the 27 participants for their attendance and contributions. It was great to see 14 teachers from Hetton School at the session and we were joined by 13 others from all sectors of primary, secondary and further education.

Below are the Presentations, some resources and link to an evaluation form (which may be returned by email or printed).
Great Leaders

Great/Poor Leaders

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Welcome to the Hetton Leadership Development Group

The Aims

· To develop new understanding (or greater depth of understanding) about Leadership in schools.
· To provide an engaging starting point and then continue the development of future school leaders.

Who is the group aimed at?

· The group is aimed at all aspiring, or current middle/senior leaders

As the role of the Local Authority diminishes, schools will become increasingly reliant on each other for development and support.
This leadership group is one such way to embark on genuine school to school collaboration for the benefit of all.

What targets do we want to meet?

· Facilitate a programme of interactive sessions aimed at building leadership capacity.
· Allow the talented individuals within the group to share their thoughts on leadership and learn from each other.
· Create an optional personalised Leadership CPD programme for any staff who wish to engage.
· Create a network of future/current leaders, who can stay in contact through the group sessions and online.

How will the schools gain?

· Increased leadership capacity throughout the schools.
· Stronger professional links between staff within Hetton School and with other schools.
· Members will have a greater awareness of the 'big picture' of school development.

Who leads and contributes to the group?

· It is facilitated by Craig Knowles (DHT - Hetton & NSCL MDLP Lead Facilitator) and led by Craig and Phil Keay (Head Teacher at Hetton).
· Contributions will come from Leaders in the Primary and Secondary phases.
· Guest speakers from the National College, Local Authority and other organisations may be invited for specific keynote sessions.
· Finally the group members themselves will share their experiences and expertise with the group.

Initial Programme
Spring Term: Tuesday 28th February
1. The National Agenda: and ‘Why Are We Here’?

Spring Term: Thursday 15th March
2. Leading Teaching and Learning

Summer Term: Tuesday 24th April
3. Leading with Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles.

Summer Term: Thursday 5th July
4. Leading Teams and Creating Accountability.

Summer Term: Tuesday 17th July
5. Personal and Professional Development – a plan.

3.30-5pm (unless stated)

Each session will operate independently—so don’t worry if you can’t make them all.

The sessions will be hosted by Hetton School (see map) and there will be no charge for the sessions.

Please confirm attendance by email: